
Showing posts from December, 2022

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Tesla broadens Model 3 shop with All-Weather Protection Kit and PPF Tesla has added a series of body protection kits for the Model 3 sedan to its online shop. • Made in the USA from high-quality and highly durable polyurethane protective film. Many new vehicles do not have any wax or protection applied at the dealership. We don't want you to be frustrated or disappointed if you decided to try this on your own. Exterior film should have a useful life of between 5 and 7 years with proper care. Each Paint Protection Ket component fits the surface curvature and perimeter shape for which it was designed and fabricated. However, alignment varies with each installation and there may be tiny variances in fit. For most owners, any variance which might occur will not be noticeable. Watching rain slip right off of my car was a good feeling the day after Stek Dynoshield was installed. It applies directly underneath your door handle onto the paint with our adhesive-backed invisible poly-ure